As far back as I can remember, artistic endeavors have played a significant role in my life. Not just as a creative outlet, but something I pride myself on.

When I was six, I painted a vase for my mom on Valentine's Day. My chosen method: pick three colors and make a polka dot design. What was supposed to be a one day project turned into a week long undertaking. I could’ve been playing house with my friends, but I’d be damned if that vase didn’t turn out the way I envisioned it.

Fast forward to third grade around Christmas. It’s time to make elf ornaments. I collected the materials I needed and got to work. I wanted him to be a happy elf, so I very carefully drew on a face. Then I placed every arm, ear and button as precisely as possible before gluing. As I placed my ornament on the drying rack, I could see my classmates look in awe at my smiling elf, every last detail glued on to perfection.

It’s funny looking back at my childhood and seeing a lot of who I am as an adult in a smaller, undeveloped form. These instances are very telling of who I’ve grown into - both personally and professionally. | 503.380.3764